Monday, April 27, 2015

Cork, Ireland

Looking up our street. Our house is the dark blue on the left.

Cork is the second city in Ireland but to us it is a cozy, small city where everything is relaxed and easy.  Kind of hi-tech, kind of outdoorsy, lots of good food.  Dozens of music venues.

We are staying in the area near the Shandon bells, overlooking the River Lee and downtown.  Our street is called Roman Street but we do not know why--not even an outpost of the Roman empire. Here as elsewhere, houses are snugged together and painted bright colors.  This is our first try at a hostel--it is working out well though we have not made friends with the 20-something Russian guys who are the only other guests we have met.  Neither language or sports in common.

We have used our time here to wander a bit, veg a bit and take care of various chores.  Tomorrow we are taking a bus, then a ferry to Cape Clear Island for a week's stay in one of the premier birdwatching areas.  And they have standing stones and dolmens.  And a pub-cafe-grocery business. They have everything there!

We continually comment on how different it is here than our two most recent countries.  This feels more like Burlington, VT  or Missoula, MT than anywhere else so far.  One of the pleasures of Europe--noticeable cultural and language differences within a day of travel.  So we are entering a new cultural area--what fun.

On our street.

The Four Liars Cafe, our lunch spot.

It is hilly and has many streets that are only steps.

Everything is first in Gaelic, then English.  We hear Gaelic in the grocery store and on the bus.

Entering Ireland on the ferry from France.  This village is about 30 minutes by ferry from Cork but is the first place we saw.

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