Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Flowers, birds, croft houses,landscapes: Fair Isle July 26 to August 7, 2015

These wire sculptures of birds are here and there as you wander Fair Isle.  So fun to come across.

Fair Isle Bird Observatory (FIBO) from the ferry dock.  My room is the window on the end facing the dock.
Our ferry. We are waiting for our luggage.  Crossing was calm, 2.5 hours from Sumburgh.

Wed, July 29

FIBO with North Harbor in background

Bird trap.  Birds are caught, recorded, banded and released to track migration patterns.
Another trap.  These are the only trees I have seen here.

The remains of a water mill used during the 18-19 C.  The grinding wheels are on the ground.  Several streams and reservoirs contribute to the mill stream.

This and the previous photo show the modern wall and the remains of the prehistoric wall which divides the common grazing to the N. and the crofts to the south.  Early wall dates to the neolithic times.

Tiny flowers.  This about .5". Sheep scabious, perennial.  It is in heather fields but is not heather.

Sheep craig.  The men used to pull the sheep up here on chains for summer grazing.

July 30, walking from south light house to observatory.  About 2 miles if direct but of course we wandered.  Many great birds.  See checklist on eBird if you are following the birdy part of this adventure.

First--photos of flowers. I learned all the names but that was hours ago and I have a 2 hour memory.

Ragged Robin

Red grass is sorrel, not sure what the white topped grass is.  The fields look gorgeous with waves of red and white.

Scottish thistle

More flowers from July 31. I just love them.

Scabious again



Now pictures of the village.  It is a dispersed settlement pattern rather than a compact village. I kind of forgot to take pictures so maybe I will do better tomorrow.

July 31.  Short day because we banded birds deep into the night.  So, a ride to the museum and a walk to the store, then a ride back home.  Easy day.

Village store with flower field.

Croft. Owner makes spinning wheels and also spins local wool.

Back-kirk. Front-Auld Schule, now museum.

Aug 5--Birding at South light house.  Great shore birds.  And even better, I was abe to find and identify them on my own.  I am geting better! Yay!

Thursday, August 6
I expected to be on the ferry at 7 AM today.

But I am forced, FORCED, to stay here and have another peaceful day.  Rudely early departure tomorrow am but the word is that it is actually likely to go.

August 8

We did go at 6:30 AM.  Kind of rough but I was not sick, tho others were.  Gannets helping us along.  Really beautiful views of fair Isle dropping off in the south and Sumbergh Head rising up in the north.  I am sorry to leave.

Below photos are all of Sumburgh Head, the southern tip of Shetland "mainland."

Arrived safely.  Off for a few days in Shetland before return to mainland Scotland.

Good and bad--all by Julianne

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