Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday at the kirk and marsh


Fair Isle has two churches but here they are kirks.  However, they have few people and no minister so they use one kirk one week and one the other.  Today, the visiting minister was unable to get here so local people planned and managed the service.  Since I have been walking around a fair amount, I actually know some of them already.  The observatory gives rides to folks so along I went.  Among other beauties of this Island, the windows of this kirk are pictures in glass of the life of the island.

The message today was about refugees. I am so glad to have come.

As Britain is struggling with the migrant crisis of thousands of irregular migrants camping at Calais trying to reach UK, the rest of Europe is also facing the floods of refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean or reach Europe overland via Greece, Turkey or Bulgaria. In Italy, Ireland and now Scotland, I have been reading about the response of the EU as well as of each country.

Italy has continued to rescue ships and boats despite being overwhelmed with migrants.  Ireland sent one of their military ships to assist with rescues and daily reports reached the news of who they found.  UK and France are squabbling about who must care for the folks at Calais and the political parties are trying to sound tough about keeping migrants out.

Today in church, speaker after speaker shared the message that there is bread enough in the world for everyone.  It should be our response as Christians to figure out how to help.  Surely we can find a way.

There is a marsh next to the church where I have been seeing various shorebirds every time I am around.  Today, no shorebirds but one mallard and three wheatears.

Before kirk, on this glorious sunny day, we did trap rounds.  Although autumn migration has begun, we only had two birds this morning: 1 rock pipit, one wheat ear.  But we had a glorious walk in the sun.
Rock pipit

Today, it does seem as though there is enough for everyone.

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